NRL star AJ Brimson deletes post showing big Cup win – and alleged rugby bet

NRL star AJ Brimson deletes post showing big Cup win – and alleged rugby bet

The NRL has been made aware of an image allegedly posted by Gold Coast star AJ Brimson showing a Melbourne Cup-winning wager, next to what appears to be a bet on a rugby league fixture.

Brimson has deleted the story from his Instagram account, but screenshots of the post have been circulating on social media. The image appears to show Brimson winning a $100 wager placed on Melbourne Cup winner Knights Choice at $1010, for a collect of $10,100.

The NRL is aware of an image allegedly posted by AJ Brimson.

The NRL is aware of an image allegedly posted by AJ Brimson.

Below the wager appears to be another bet, which is obscured, prompting questions as to whether it may have been placed on a rugby league match.

Registered NRL participants, including players, are prevented from betting on rugby league matches under the game’s code of conduct.

The image has been brought to the NRL’s attention. The governing body is not currently investigating the matter.

In 2017, West Tigers centre Tim Simona was found to have bet on league matches. As a result, the NRL deregistered Simona over a range of breaches, including betting against his team winning and on opposition players scoring against his team.

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