“The Kanga faction wants this rule change to get you to hand over your democratic right to an equal say in the running and future of the MRC by changing the rules to put all power in his hands and those who back him.”
Cain said the MRC board was taking Kanga’s “bid for control very seriously”.
“Your committee has concerns with the validity of what has been proposed for the SGM and is working hard to understand how it may impact your rights as members,” Cain wrote.
“We have also written to Mr Kanga asking for his clarification on various other aspects of what has been proposed. We are waiting for his response.
“There is no legal obligation for the meeting to be called this week. The MRC belongs to all of its members, and we will pursue every avenue to protect your rights and the democratic governance that underpins them.”
Cain did not address claims from earlier this week that the club had introduced a safe word – “pineapple” – for board members to use in its meetings if they feel threatened or ill at ease amid accusations of bullying and toxic behaviour.
But last Friday he rejected allegations made by board members Alison Saville and Caitrin Kelly that the executive committee had a “longstanding poor culture”.
The Melbourne Racing Club board has been torn apart over a range of issues in recent times.Credit: Getty Images
Kanga said he was disappointed that Cain had sought to attack him personally in his message to members.
“To suggest I am seeking to take over the club is offensive,” Kanga said.
“All I want is to have a board that is aligned on the key issues that members continually tell me they want resolved: the mounting yard, keeping racing at Sandown and ensuring we don’t waste more money by building a white elephant grandstand.”
Cain said the MRC would hold its annual general meeting, as planned, on September 26, and run an election process from September 10 until September 24.
The chairman is stepping down at the AGM, opening up one vacancy on the board, while fellow committee member Mark Pratt is up for re-election.
In his letter, Cain said the MRC board was already dealing with the three key issues at the heart of Kanga’s media campaign.
He said the committee would review the position of the mounting yard after the spring carnival because it was not “operationally feasible” to do it earlier. He said plans to replace the glass-fronted Rupert Clarke Grandstand had been put on hold until 2026, and he said a rezoning process for Sandown Racecourse was separate from any decision to sell the track.
Kanga said if the AGM went ahead on September 26 he would call on newly elected committee members to join him on the three key issues.
“My aim is to have a united board, something that hasn’t occurred at the MRC for a long time,” he said.
“Matt has now sent out four emails to members in the last week or so, trying to spin a narrative that no one believes and which most people would simply find bemusing. He should just let them vote.”
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