Ellie Rayner: She’s probably one of the fastest people I’ve ever come up against. She does running events, track and field, and she will put them to good use in the internationals. She’s absolutely rapid.
Erica Sanders: She’s a quiet girl, but she’ll be more than confident to find her feet in the senior team and see what she’s got.
Zoe Shipperley: She’s a lovely girl. She laughs and jokes, because she will wear her heart on her sleeve and say it how it is. She’s one of the souls of the changing room. She’s probably got the hardest hockey hits I’ve ever come across. You don’t want to be stood in front of the ball when she’s straight striking at you.
Amy Tennant: I’ve played quite a bit of club hockey with her. She’s good fun. She’s one of the most natural talents in goal. She always wears her hair down, funnily enough, even before a game.
Anna Toman: She was a player last season who really started to come into her own, having joined the program quite late. She comes across as being quiet but she’ll give her two pence and get involved with the jokes.